
[Windows] windows server 2019 실습 정리 - 2. Active Directory 설치 및 Work Group 과 Domain의 차이

모모토 2022. 2. 3. 00:00

Workgroup vs Domain

Work Group Domain
No centralized administration. (중앙 집중식 통제가 아님) Centralized administration. (중앙 집중식 통제)
No much security of data, user and group, it is depends on configuration. (데이터 , 사용자와 그룹에 대한 보안이 높지 않고, 설정에 따라 다르다) Security of data, user and group.
No server and client matter, each PC reacts like a client as well as server. (서버와 클라이언트가 존재하지 않고 각각의 pc는 클라리언트이자 서버처럼 동작한다.) Server and clients based. (서버와 클라이언트 형식 기반으로 작동한다.)
We can assign permission to drives, folder and files but much security than domain. (드라이브들과 폴더 그리고 파일들에 대하여 권한을 부여할 수 있지만 도메인보다 보안에 취약하다.) File, folder, user and permission we can assign.
Every computer must be part of the same LAN or Subnet (모든 컴퓨터는 같은 로컬네트워크안에 존재하거나 한 네트워크로 부터 서브넷팅 되어진다. 따라서 보안에 문제가 생길 수 있음) The computer can be connected to different local network.
The numbers of computer systems are limited to ten or twenty. (워크그룹으로 운영시 컴퓨터 개수에 제한이 생긴다.) The number of computer systems can be hundreds or thousands of computers.


Following are the differences between domain and workgroup:

  • Installation and Configuration: A domain is complex than a workgroup to install and configure. On the other hand, a workgroup is easy to install and configure, but it is very hard to maintain.
  • Networking Model: Domain is based on a client-server model, where multiple clients rely on a single server for various services. On the other hand, a workgroup is based on a peer-to-peer model where each computer is equally important.
  • Administration and Management: A domain has centralized control over the device. On the other hand, the administration and management of a workgroup are non-centralized in nature.
  • Database: The computers in a domain have a centralized database. On the other hand, each computer in a workgroup mainly has its own local database.
  • Autonomous: The devices connected in a domain are not autonomous, they are governed by centralized servers. On the other hand, the devices connected in a workgroup are mainly autonomous in nature.
  • Naming: In the case of a domain, the domain names are provided by the domain controllers on the basis of IP address. On the other hand, there are no dependencies on any hardware components and server for assigning the workgroup names.
  • User account and groups: The user accounts and groups are manages and maintained on the domain level. On the other hand, in a workgroup, it is managed and maintained by every computer of the workgroup individually.
  • Location: A domain can be formed using the devices of one or more different networks. On the other hand, the devices of the same network can only be added to a workgroup.
  • The number of computers: A domain can work better when there is a large number of devices connected to it. On the other hand, a workstation can work better with fewer computers.
  • Scalability: A domain has a centralized control and is easy to scale. On the other hand, a workgroup is very hard to scale due to no centralized control. The complexity enhances when we increase the number of workgroup computers.
  • Security: A domain has very advanced security due to centralized control. On the other hand, a workgroup is very less secure due to no centralized access control.
  • Data Recovery: Data can be recovered in a domain from the centralized storage. On the other hand, data recovery is not possible in a workgroup due to the local storage of each computer.
  • Type of data: A domain is mainly used to transfer and share sensitive and important data due to security. On the other hand, a workgroup is used to share less secure and personal data only due to less security.
  • Application: A domain is mainly preferred for large public and business networks. On the other hand, a workgroup is mainly preferred for small local area networks like schools, colleges, buildings, etc.


간단하게 요약하자면 Work Group 은 각각의 컴퓨터가 설정정보를 보유 , 도메인은 중앙서버에서 유저정보나 컴퓨터설정 , 정책정보를 보유하기때문에 중앙에서 관리가 가능하다. 또한 워크그룹은 서버와 클라이언트 개념이 아닌 각 PC가 서버처럼 반응을 하여 동작하는 반면 , 도메인은 서버와 클라이언트 로 나뉘어서 관리한다.


그렇다면 이 도메인 환경에서 PC를 관리하려면 어떻게 해야하나? → Active Directory Domain Service (AD DS)


그럼 이제 Active Directory를 설치해보자


1. server manager 에 들어가 add roles and features 클릭


2. 계속 next 를 클릭한다

3. 서버로 사용할 컴퓨터를 클릭

4. Active Directory Domain Service 를 사용하기 위해 클릭

5. 쭉 next를 클릭후 install

6. 설치가 끝난 후 , AD DS를 도메인 컨트롤러로 설정하기 위해서 위와 같이 클릭

7. forest 수준의 도메인을 설정해준다.

8. forest domain의 패스워드 지정

9. 설치가 완료되었고 재부팅을 해야한다.

10. client 컴퓨터로 들어가서 컴퓨터 이름설정 및 Active Directory 설치하며 만든 도메인에 추가시킨다.


11. Active Directory에 접근할 사용자 계정 생성하기



만약 다음과같은 메세지가 뜬다면 재부팅을 하고 로그인을 하자

we can't sign you in with this credential because your domain isn't available...


Fix We can’t sign you with this credential because your domain isn’t available